One Time in My Life-New Song Release

Upcoming new Song by Maggie Zhang

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This song is inspired by a famous poem by Chinese poet ZHiMo XU. It is the love story of his second love. I have posted his story below for you. (Somehow you need to slide the cursor to read the complete article)

Xu Zhimo is a cultural celebrity in the Republic of China. On November 19, 1931, Xu Zhimo's plane hit the top of the mountain in Kaishan, and Xu Zhimo, who was only 34 years old, eventually became a "flying poet."

The three women associated with his life acted differently: The current wife, Lu Xiaoman, was distraught. She refused to claim the body and escaped the fact that her husband had passed away. She couldn't turn around and felt that as long as she did not claim the body, Xu Zhimo was still alive, just flying in the sky. Although her ex-wife, Zhang Youyi, had been divorced, she went to the scene to endure her grief and presided over Xu Zhimo's funeral. Because she took care of Xu Zhimo's parents from beginning to end, she was doing her life's responsibility for her husband. Lin Hui, the first talented woman of the Republic of China, was in grief. She entrusted her husband Liang Sicheng to the scene of the plane crash and retrieved a fragment of the plane and hung it in her home until her death. These three people are the heroines of Xu Zhimo's three relationships, and they are the most colorful years in Xu Zhimo's short life.
First One,  Some marriages don't necessarily have love in them. This is how Xu Zhimo's first marriage was.
Xu Zhimo was born in the wealthy home of the rich. His father Xu Shen was an industrialist in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. He inherited his ancestral business in his early years and operated Xu Yufeng Sauce Garden as a sole proprietor. In the 23rd year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1897), he jointly founded the first bank in Xiashi, Yutong Bank, and later opened the Renhe Silk Shop. We can imagine how rich Xu Zhimo lived in his youth. Xu Zhimo left his hometown to study at the age of 14 and was admitted to Hangzhou Fu Middle School. Among his classmates, there was a later cultural celebrity named Yu Dafu. During his studies, Xu Zhimo published his first essay "On the Relationship between Novels and Society". His talents showed up and attracted the attention of a big man, Zhang Jiaao. Zhang Jiaao was the secretary of the provincial governor’s office at the time, roughly equivalent to the provincial government. Secretary-General, he discovered Xu Zhimo’s talent during an accidental inspection. After inquiring about Xu Zhimo, he found that Xu Zhimo was the home of a wealthy businessman. So he wanted to marry his sister Zhang Youyi to Xu Zhimo, so he wrote to Xu Shenru. Xu Shenru was very satisfied when he heard that the marriage of business and government was regarded as a match made in heaven. But what about Xu Zhimo and Zhang Youyi? The two of them were studying outside, and no one knew about it. The two families exchanged their engagement gifts, exchanged the characters of the two lives, and exchanged photos, so the marriage of the two people was booked.

What's interesting is that after the two exchanged birthday characters, a fortune teller in Shanghai said, "This marriage is not worthy!" Zhang Youyi's mother was anxious and simply changed Zhang's year of birth. He was born in 1900 two years earlier. Zhang Youyi was originally a rat, but this change was changed to a dog in 1898. The result of this change is a "match made in heaven" with Xu Zhimo, who is a monkey. From the conception to the final marriage of this marriage, Xu Zhimo had no knowledge of it, let alone the story of the Bazi change behind it. Xu Zhimo, thinking in the new era, may have been thinking from the first day of marriage on December 5, 1915. After the grand wedding was completed, Xu Zhimo's thoughts might be: how to divorce! On the night of the bridal chamber, Xu Zhimo escaped without surprise. Love is like life to Xu Zhimo who received a new education. When Xu Zhimo saw Zhang Youyi's photo for the first time, the corner of his mouth turned down, and he said disgustingly: "Country buns!" Of course, he never looked at Zhang Youyi directly after marriage. In addition to fulfilling the most basic marriage obligations, ignoring them and fulfilling their marriage obligations, what Xu Zhimo thinks in his mind is that parents need to hold their grandchildren. From marriage to the birth of the first son in 1918, they were married for three years, and the two people were together for no more than 4 months.

In the final analysis, Xu Zhimo does not like Zhang Youyi! After that, Xu Zhimo went to the United States without hesitation. At this time, he was heading to Hamilton, who became Secretary of the Treasury. He even changed his name to "Hamilton Xu", which is exactly what Xu Shenru wanted. of. Xu Zhimo's talent is outstanding. He graduated with a first-class honorary award in 10 months at Clark University. Then he entered the Columbia Economics Department to study for a master's degree. In just six months, he got a master's degree. In 1920, Xu Zhimo came to the university that influenced his life: Cambridge University, England. Cambridge is actually Cambridge in Xu Zhimo's famous poem "Farewell to Cambridge".

(Cambridge University of Cambridge) At this time, Xu Zhimo wrote a letter to his family, asking his wife Zhang Youyi to come to the UK to accompany him. We think that Xu Zhimo, who is pure-minded, is by no means a conspirator. He must be thinking about how to get rid of the interference of his parents with Zhang Youyi to make the divorce more convenient. He must be thinking about maintaining this arranged marriage as much as possible, and he wants to live with Zhang Youyi for a long time. But Xu Zhimo, who had finished studying for a master's degree, finally found that he and Zhang Youyi were farther and farther away. This marriage, even without other factors, would eventually break. not to mention…… Two, the world falls into a "Sister Lin" Xu Zhimo came to the UK in 1920. In the fall, he participated in a speech by the League of Nations, met 44-year-old Lin Changmin, and noticed Lin Huiyin, his daughter standing behind Lin Changmin.
Lin Huiyin has an elegant temperament and has learned Chinese and Western. Like a beautiful butterfly, flying past Xu Zhimo's eyes and flying into Xu Zhimo's heart. This is the woman he likes. What he wants is a talented woman. He wants The woman is a new style.
Zhang Youyi was carried by a ship from China. She saw her husband Xu Zhimo, who was full of frustration in the crowd. The reason for Xu Zhimo's unhappiness was obvious. This wife who came from far away and came from the waves is still The original look: country buns. At this time, Xu Zhimo still tried his best to transform Zhang Youyi, asked the teacher to learn English and take her to France to buy clothes... He wanted to narrow the distance between the two, even if it was far away. In August 1921, Zhang Youyi told Xu Zhimo that she was pregnant again. At this time, Xu Zhimo had already started his new study period in Cambridge. When he heard the news, Xu Zhimo immediately said: Get rid of the child! Every day the postman sent an English letter, Zhang Youyi couldn't understand it, but she knew it was wrong, and her husband was out there! The relationship with Lin Huiyin was Xu Zhimo's first love, and it was only marriage before. This first time love seemed to have opened a certain mechanism in Xu Zhimo. He began to write a lot of poems, extremely beautiful poems, to express his yearning for love and longing for beauty in his heart. I want to recognize your distant figure/until the distance makes me recognize you indistinct/otherwise I will call your name/continuously remind you that I am here/to clear away the deserted streets and the desolation of the night/watching You go back... (Xu Zhimo "You Go")
Even at the end of the article, he directly said: What's more, it will always shine through my heart / there is that pearl that never sleeps / I love you! The economist Xu Zhimo became a poet Xu Zhimo because of Lin Huiyin. This is Xu Zhimo's life destination!

Lin Huiyin is Xu Zhimo's first love, and the poet who already has a two-year-old child has only met his first love! The mischievous fate gave the poet a joke that many people had to encounter in that era. Xu Zhimo began to chase his love passionately. He tried every means to get close to Lin Huiyin, completely forgetting that he was the father of a two-year-old child, and even had a child in his mother's belly. In March 1922, Zhang Youyi, who gave birth to Xu Zhimo's second child, found her husband Xu Zhimo. Xu Zhimo handed over a divorce agreement that had signed his name. Zhang Youyi, who was in confinement, saw her husband's smile for the first time, and the source of this smile was because Xu Zhimo heard her promise to divorce. She sadly signed her name on the divorce agreement. In November 1922, Xu Zhimo published his divorce notice in the "New Zhejiang" newspaper, declaring his freedom! This is the first Western-style divorce in modern Chinese history. Xu Zhimo estimates that he has also become famous because of this incident, but it is notorious! It is the notoriety that the old marriage system has attacked him! Xu Zhimo doesn't think so, he thinks he is a revolutionary of old marriages! He felt that he was the forerunner!
Soon after, Xu Zhimo returned to Cambridge. He went to find Lin Huiyin. At this time, Lin Huiyin had already returned to China with his father. She has her own difficulties. He likes Xu Zhimo’s talent and feels that he is very happy with him, but the man he likes is a married man with a family and children. What he has to face must be A large number of accusations, against a "third party" accusation! Lin Huiyin retreated, she chose to leave, rejecting Xu Zhimo by leaving! Xu Zhimo was finally completely free, and nothing of freedom was left. The feelings of these two people can be illustrated by another poem by Xu Zhimo, which is "accident": I am a cloud in the sky / occasionally projected in your heart / you don't have to be surprised / don't need to be happy / in The trace was wiped out in an instant / You and I meet on the sea of ​​night / You have yours / I have mine / Direction. Fortunately, they met each other and broke up rationally. This is a complete list of feelings. However, after experiencing this feeling, Xu Zhimo became a bachelor. He returned home alone.

Three, fall in love with social flowers After returning to China, Xu Zhimo eventually became a professor at Peking University. At this time, Xu Zhimo devoted himself to academia, but he also achieved remarkable results. Two years later, he held a funeral for his youngest son Peter in Berlin, and took his ex-wife Zhang Youyi to Italy to play. He told his ex-wife that he fell in love with another person, but this time it was even bigger. It was his friend, the general. Wang Geng's wife, Lu Xiaoman, is a well-known socialite in the city. Lu Xiaoman is both talented and good-looking, proficient in English and French, and is better at painting. He is a student of the famous painter Liu Haisu. At this time, Lu Xiaoman had just married Wang Geng for two years.
Who is Wang Geng, a graduate of West Point Military Academy, a classmate of Eisenhower, and a student of Liang Qichao like Xu Zhimo. His marriage to Lu Xiaoman was also an arranged marriage. When the news of Lu Xiaoman's red apricot coming out of the wall reached Wang Geng's ears, Wang Geng, as a general, naturally couldn't bear it. He let out a word to kill his wife's "adulter". The poet fled to Europe and talked about it with his ex-wife. The ex-wife was surprised, but the poet Xu Zhimo really looked forward to his ex-wife's understanding and hoped that this undesirable love would "end without disease." But Lu Xiaoman refused. She secretly knocked out Wang Geng's child and resolutely divorced Wang Geng. She summoned Xu Zhimo to achieve their love. What Xu Zhimo broke this time was the social bottom line of "friends and wives should not be deceived", and what he summoned was scolding! In addition to personal friends, because they know Xu Zhimo, they know that Xu Zhimo respects his heart completely, and the scolding in the society makes Xu Zhimo unable to raise his head. Even the teacher Liang Qichao directly reprimanded him on the spot. "Marriage testimony" scolded. But Xu Zhimo doesn't care, love is love, I love me, whatever you do. Not only did I love, I also promoted my love, and because of love, I ushered in the climax of my own creation.

"I have a love", "A Night in the Fei Leng Cui", etc., are all written to Lu Xiaoman, not to mention the final collection of the booklet named "Love Mei Xiao Zha", really sweet and intoxicating. Regardless of Lu Xiaoman, Xu Zhimo acted recklessly, and the two walked together amidst the opposition, which was an indispensable feeling. But love is full, life is very skinny! Lu Xiaoman had no money in his family, and he was a big spender himself. Xu Zhimo's family stopped financial support, and he did not give Xu Zhimo if he had money. As a result, Xu Zhimo took several university classes, wrote more poems, and earned more class hours and manuscript fees, but he still couldn't meet Lu Xiaoman's expenses.
That day, Xu Zhimo went home, and the two quarreled. Lu Xiaoman smashed the big smoke gun he was holding on Xu Zhimo's face, and the poet's glasses broke to the ground. The poet Xu Zhimo has a good reputation. He wears short and small suits and trousers, and his clothes have holes. When he ran to Hu Shi's house, he ate for nothing, and the servants could not get the reward for cleaning the room. There was no change of clothes when the season changed... However, Xu Zhimo even reduced his chances of attending friend gatherings, because there was no clothes to wear, Xu Zhimo was in a panic at this time! At 8:00 a.m. on November 19, 1931, Xu Zhimo, who had quarreled with Lu Xiaoman the previous night, boarded the China Airlines "Jinan" postal plane from Nanjing to the north. He wanted to participate in the same night Lin Huiyin was in the Peking Concord Small Auditorium for foreign countries. The messenger held a lecture on Chinese architectural art.

The plane is free of charge to Xu Zhimo, saving flight fees. However, the plane headed towards heaven. A loud noise stunned the talented Lin Huiyin. When she learned that Xu Zhimo had been killed for saving a plane ticket to attend her speech, she was so sad that she asked her husband to go to the memorial service to preside over the meeting. A loud noise awakened Lu Xiaoman, who was drunk and fancied. Since then, her temperament has changed drastically. She can't leave the door all day long and concentrates on painting. She published the famous "Love Eyebrow Letters", all remembered are the love letters between her and Xu Zhimo Perhaps, that piece of elegiac couplet she wrote to Xu Zhimo is enough to write her life: how many days have turned into a nightmare, five years of sorrow and joy, hastily and eternally, the revelation of the heavens, the dying is not due to the mother’s old age; To whom, I am sad and faintly divorced from the soul, and soon after the world has responded, the postscript will answer the heart of the king.

We should be convinced that the love and death of these two people will eventually lead to the death of the poet; we should also believe that the beautiful memories and attachments brought to Xu Zhimo by the woman Lin Huiyin, who is as beautiful as the April sky; The loyalty and love of wives. Xu Zhimo only met these three women in his life, and the ones he loved deeply paid each other with fate. Those who don’t love are also divided clearly, and let us be more tolerant, don’t mention him, just say that he is not responsible, he is not a man. Xu Zhimo is the spirit of poetry that fell into the world! He is one of the few people in history whose world of thought is clean to the point of being spotless, and he is the only poet who has been clean in the world of emotion for several years! I left gently, just as I came gently; I waved gently, saying goodbye to the clouds in the western sky. (Xu Zhimo "Farewell to Cambridge") 
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