Bio 老师介绍

温哥华张老师钢琴教室 – 本拿比 Burnaby Metrotown


 钢琴教师协会注册教师 , “音乐儿童”注册教师, RCM皇家认教师,加拿大(CFMTA)及卑诗省(BCRMTA)注册 钢琴教师(R.M.T.)


温哥华钢琴老师, Maggie 张 ,5岁被专业选拔进入四川音乐学院附小,附中,保送四川音乐学院钢琴系。 四川音乐学院钢琴系培养了中国拔尖的钢琴家,如李云迪,陈萨。


她附中起就在少年宫教学同时为川音教授做助教。后赴美国加拿大继续在学校和社区任教。Maggie 拥有20年丰富的钢琴教学经验,教授了上百位东西方学生。她的教育方法结合了中国扎实的基本功,技巧以及西方对音乐理解,兴趣爱好,个人修养的全面培养。学生在各项表演和比赛中成绩优异。

张老师一直活跃在舞台上。她在中国,美国和加拿大多次举办过音乐会。在downtown 多家西人高尚设施,婚礼,社区中钢琴独奏表演,为合唱团,大小提琴、声乐、萨克斯风、长笛等担任伴奏。


Maggie’s musical training started at age 5 when she entered China’s Sichuan Conservatory of Music as one of ten prodigies from among thousands of applicants. Sichuan Conservatory has trained world famous pianists such as Yundi Li. She continued her music studies in the United States, completing her undergraduate piano performance degree under full scholarship, and was offered a scholarship at USC for Master’s Degree in piano performance. Among her influential instructors are Xiaolin Li (former head of the piano department at Sichuan Conservatory of Music), Albert Lotto (from Julliard School of Music), Dennis Thurmond (from University of Southern California) and Neil Rutman (currently Artist-in-Residence at the University of Central Arkansas).

Citations and Awards

In the course of her musical training, Maggie has been a top prize winner at several regional and national piano competitions in the United States. These include the Music Teachers National Association Competition, the UCA Concerto Competition and NA Symphony Young Artist Concerto Competition. Her competition wins in China include the JiaoSheng competition and the Fourteen Cities Piano Competition. The newspaper Echo called Maggie’s playing “most legendary”.

Composer Reward
Piano competition winner
Best instrumentalist